Have you been self-treating acidity and gastritis?

Or worse going to fake healers? Chronic acidity and gastritis when left untreated can worsen the underlying condition. Read on to know what, why, and how endoscopy
is the quickest and surest way to diagnose and treat.

What is Upper GI (Gastrointestinal) Endoscopy?

Commonly known as Endoscopy, it is a non-surgical procedure that allows doctors to take a look inside  the mouth – pharynx – vocal cords – esophagus – stomach and otherwise hidden parts of stomach, the duodenum, the bile ducts, and the pancreatic duct for both diagnosis and treatment.

The Benefits

Your gastroenterologist has advised you to do an endoscopy. Yet you are uncertain.

Here’s what studies show about the painful expectations of people who have never undergone an endoscopy vs what they really experience.

What happens during an Upper GI Endoscopy?

Want to know more? Find it in our blog

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You may be asked not to eat or drink for 8 hours before the test. This usually means no food or drink after midnight. Your doctor may give you additional instructions on the diet to be followed for 1 or 2 days before the procedure.

It is often used to diagnose unexplained symptoms or identify disorders and problems such as GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease, narrowing of food passages, ulcers, hernia, and infections in the upper GI tract.

Your vitals will be monitored during the procedure. To prevent gag reflux your throat will be given a numbing spray. You will lie on your left side throughout the procedure. Saliva will be suctioned out from your mouth from time to time. You will be able to breathe without any discomfort.

You may feel some pressure or swelling as the tube is being guided along. But these are mild sensations and cause minimal discomfort.

You will be watched and you won’t be allowed to eat or drink anything until your gag reflux returns. This is to prevent you from choking. You may have a sore throat or a bit of pain for a few days when you swallow. Salt water gargling helps.

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