According to an ITC survey, around 56% of Indian families report digestive health problems. Digestive health is very important for our overall well-being. It is our digestive system that breaks down food and absorbs essential nutrients and energy for overall growth. Any issue with digestive health will upset your health and affect the normal functioning of the body. It may cause a range of problems from abdominal pain, bloating, and indigestion to even cancer. Awareness and precaution are the only way to safeguard oneself. Hence, we have compiled this article for you to tell you everything you need to know about Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, Interventional Gastroenterology, and how you can protect yourself from these diseases.
GI disorders are diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract also known as the digestive tract stretches from our mouth to the anus and includes vital digestive organs. GI disorders affect the normal functioning of these organs. Some of the organs included in the GI tract are:
- The mouth
- Oesophagus, also known as the ‘feeding pipe’
- Stomach
- Small and large bowels
- Rectum, and anus
- Connected organs like – the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
The functioning of our digestive system is regulated by the nerves, hormones, and the bacteria that reside within our GI tract also known as the gut flora and microbiome. Numerous conditions can impact our gastrointestinal tract affecting our digestion and overall health and this can lead to GI disorders or diseases, which may need medical intervention.
A disturbed lifestyle and poor diet can lead to normal to complex GI disorders. Eating a diet low in fibre, lack of exercise, travelling, excessive use of dairy products, stress, some medications, etc. are some of the reasons that can lead in general to complex GI disorders. While general GI disorders can range from issues like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and haemorrhoids to anal fissures some of the chronic GI disorders are:
- Pancreatitis
- Peptic Ulcers also known as Stomach Ulcers
- Lactose Intolerance
- Inguinal Hernia
- Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
- Microscopic Colitis
- Liver Cirrhosis
- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Apart from a good diet and lifestyle, GI disorders can be managed by Interventional Gastroenterology. It is comparatively a new field of study that started some 20 years ago as a means of training medical practitioners on therapeutic ERPC (Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography). However, with the advent of modern technology, Interventional Gastroenterology is used to treat many GI disorders.
Interventional Gastroenterology is a field of medicine in which Gastroenterologists treat complex digestive diseases and conditions to reduce the health risks of patients. It majorly includes endoscopic surgical procedures. It primarily helps in effectively treating these conditions using minimally invasive procedures. It is the next step after the diagnostic endoscopy. Under this procedure, the interventions on visible lesions on the gastrointestinal tract surface are performed remotely through a flexible bronchoscope that enters through the natural route, either mouth or anus.
It is an advanced and preferred way of treating numerous gastrointestinal disorders. The whole process including the diagnosis and the treatment happens smoothly limiting the excessive invasiveness on the body. Due to less invasion, the pain is less as well as the hospital stay is shortened.
Interventional Gastroenterology is used to diagnose and treat localized lesions visible on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the conditions, when the intervention is needed, are:
- Removing bile duct stones
- Staging oesophageal cancer
- Staging rectal cancer
- Diagnosing of submucosal lesions
- Obtaining biopsies of pancreatic tumors and cysts
- Removing large colonic and duodenal polyps
- Diagnosing and removing liver and pancreatic gallstones
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) are some of the latest advancements in the field of Interventional Gastroenterology which happened after the technological advancements in fiber optic devices. The latest is endo-robotics which is endoscopy done using robots.
GI disorders can be prevented or minimized by maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle and practising good bowel habits. A colonoscopy and screening for cancer can also help you in keeping the risk away. Especially, if you see changes in bowel habits and stool consistency, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, anaemia, abdominal or gas pains, then you should seek medical intervention without any delay.